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I'm just waiting on a few more quotes - I'll get back to you...

What our telemarketers say to transfer 20+ prospects a day to us!

I’ve been with RPOA from the beginning, here are the specific things that have blown up our RESULTS!

Back to the basics: The PRICE objection

OA Sales Managers Share All: How Their Team Members Succeed

Q4 Vision Planning With Kristin

If you think the leads are bad, you're right - How to win the mental side of leads.

Lindsey & Miles Grid Off

From hello to cross sell - the complete customer conversation

Creating the right structure in your agency for maximum production

Kristin’s Pet Peeves with customer service and sales

How to avoid BURNOUT when selling insurance!

Get your GRID on with Lindsey!

Donald Kelly how to get unstuck in sales

A day in the life of a top producer

How to stay in control of the conversation when your prospect is "all over the place"

I'll have to see what I'm paying right now first, then I'll call you back...

Let me talk to my current agent first to see what they can do for me…

Get your GRID on with Lindsey!!

Mindfulness with Dr. Tovar

How to truly flush out "What has you shopping around?"

No Thanks, I Already Renewed With My Current Company...

I just want a quote for the cheapest policy you have

Get your grid on with Lindsey

Things NOT to say to make more sales

I need to think about it…

I might not be able to beat your price…

Get your GRID on: Live objections practice

Strategies to help you get out of a sales slump

How you can sell 21% of your everyday service calls a new policy

Pipeline: the follow up call

Assume your way to success - The power of assumptive selling!

Olson Agency remote team panel: Our takeaways from “the visit”

Power phrases that can impact your sales and service results!

You guys aren’t competitive - I’m paying less than that where I’m at now...

The ins and outs of hiring remote

How to handle the recent spike in upset customers

LIVE Olson Agency team rapid fire objection handling (The Grid)

I'm too stressed closing on the home, so I don't want to talk about the auto policy right now...

I just wanted a quote online - why are so many of you guys calling me?

The art of working LIVE TRANSFERS

The Do’s and Don’ts of Presenting Price

Your state just took rates - how to not let it impact your sales

The Trifecta - Price, Spouse, and Send it to me in an email!

2024 Vision planning

How to sell Umbrella policies

How to call back a LIVE transfer when they're no longer LIVE

Are you going to raise my rates the first time I renew like XYZ Company just did?

Call me back after the holidays…

Hannah Kay Herdlinger - The Power of Connection

Let’s be Honest…It’s YOU making it all about Price

The art of getting off the phone with the WRONG prospects

A Sales Panel: You need to use this RPOA tactic - I promise it will change everything!

The art of being genuinely curious to open up the conversation

You guys aren’t even in the ballpark

I haven't had time to look at the quote you sent over yet...

I already went with another company

OA team member panel Unplugged

The Active Listening Game!

I'm not interested...

Why quoting apples to apples never works

I’m a current customer, and I was just calling to cancel my policies...

Different tactics for different times - how to sell in today’s environment!

Let's get creative to get more quotes

I just decided to stay where I'm at. I'm good...

Hello to bind with Spencer

Jeremy and Kristin - why activity is EVERYTHING in sales

Why did my rates go up?

Olson Agency LIVE Overcoming Objections with the GRID

How to politely poke holes in the competition

It’s Not A Big Enough Difference To Make The Switch

The art of asking for life insurance

New Strategies When Talking About Price

The power of using "NET COST" to net more sales

I'll take a look at it and give you a call if I'm interested...

I had a bad experience with your company in the past

How to work home mailers

Winning With Winbacks

I Still Want To Shop Around

Different ways of asking for referrals! How to make it your own!!

Let’s get to the bottom of why we DON’T ask for referrals

Jon Dorenbos

Sales managers share the reasons their producers succeed

The art of pointing out gaps to close more sales

The little things - Specific daily actions to always be in sales mode

Increasing home close rates by exploiting dwelling coverage

Rapid fire objection handling

No thanks, you’re the 5th agent to call me…

I can’t afford the down payment…

The things we tell ourselves as salespeople - how to take care of our mental!

Different tactics for different prospects - Knowing what to use when!

You're just too expensive...

Vision Planning for 2023

I like everything we've talked about, but I just want to get a few more quotes...

I might not be able to beat your price…

A day in the life…

Call me back after the holidays

Comebacks for "the impossible" scenarios…

I need to talk to my spouse first...

I haven't had a chance to look at the quote yet, I'll call you back when I'm ready..

Andrea Waltz - Go for no

Top producers talk about "the close"

How did you get my number?

How to work LIVE transfers

Strategies to help you get out of a sales slump

Dr. Elko - How to hold yourself to a higher standard!

Shifting your mindset from “Service work is bogging me down” to “I make so many sales from my service calls!”

I'll go with the auto for now, but I'll wait until renewal to talk about my home policy

Top 10 rapport builders when calling new prospects

Unlocking the opportunity to quote by mastering front end objections

Keefe Duterte - Traits of a Top Producer

The art of handling statewide rate increases

The follow-up call

Rapid Fire Role Play

The Art of Asking for the Full Household

You're too late...I already signed up with another company

Top producers share actual “nuggets” they use every day

I already got quoted a better price with the same coverage...

Sorry I already renewed with my current company

Gas, groceries, or insurance coverage? - Why inflation is causing consumer’s to choose

Just give me the price!

Asking for referrals

5 proven sources to lead to ADDITIONAL business! - Part 2

5 proven sources to lead to ADDITIONAL business! - Part 1

Mike Goldman - Strategies to feel less OVERWHELMED

Hmmmmm, I never requested a quote...

How to build rapport even when you think you “aren’t good at it”

Price objection revisited

The LIFE of an internet lead

Send it to me in an email…

How to manage your PIPELINE to win more business

All of this sounds great, but I need you to get the price down a bit…

Dean Mannix - The Questions You're Asking

Lightbulb moments that were career gamechangers

New To Insurance? Start Here!

I think I’ll just wait until my next renewal

I don’t have time right now, can you call me back next week?

Sales Rockstars Share Their Secrets

IdealTraits: Personalities 101

Writing Emails That Get Results

Using unique selling propositions to set yourself apart

The art of de-escalating everyday scenarios

I’ll go with you guys if you can beat my current price

Creating A Vision And A Plan For 2022

I did ____ and my production skyrocketed

Call me back after the holidays

Keeping your pipeline full

Joe Hart - Leadership Strategies

How to recommend and negotiate coverage and limits

Requote practice LIVE

Episode 100: The 100 X Challenge

James "Iron Cowboy" Lawrence

Getting more quotes by mastering front end objections

Creating a sense of urgency so your prospect will buy

Turning Refinance Requests Into Sales

Dean Mannix: Objections

I didn't get a chance to look at your quote yet!

Bottom line results from internet leads

When to ask for the sale

Ray Lewis and Christian Conte: Vision and Perspective

Jeremy Talks Agency Growth

Kristin Speaks on Stress Management

My Friend Pays A Lot Less Than I Do...

Get Your Curious On To Close More Sales

I Changed My Mind...

Coach Burt - How to activate your prey drive!

A Deep Dive Into THE GRID

Things NOT To Say To Make More Sales

The first 7 seconds of a prospecting call

How To Effectively Answer Live Transfers

How to Get Sales Results from Service Calls

Is There Any Way You can Get My Premium Down?

Maximizing Your Requotes

It Didn't Work Out This Time...

Agency Owner Panel on Staff Success

Dean Mannix: The "How To" of Life Leads

Price, Price, Price!!!

Rapid Fire Life Objections

Setting Life Appointments With Erica

I Don't Need Higher Limits...I Don't Have Any Accidents

How NOT to do an apples to apples quote!

Scott Cochran: Average to Unstoppable

I Just Want A Quote For The Cheapest Policy You Have

Leading Prospects to the Close

The Power of Asking Open Ended Questions

Power Phrases that Make an Impact

The Redemption Call

How to Implement Role Play in Your Agency

Vision Planning and Goal Setting

Weldon Long: The Power of Consistency

"I'm Just Waiting on One More Quote"

Close More Sales by Qualifying your Prospects

"Thanks for the Quote - I Took Your Advice and Just Had My Current Agent Match Everything…"

Jerry Acuff: Sales

"What Does Credit Have to Do with My Insurance Premium? "

"Let Me Talk to My Current Agent First to See if They Can Match Your Quote…"

"With Everything Going On in the World, I Really Need to Trim Back Some Coverage to Save Money..."

"If You Can't Lower My Rates, I'm Going to Have to Shop Around..."

Christian Conte: Yield Theory

"I Might Not Be Able to Beat Your Price…"
